Go Green
Go green with our environmental policy.
Industrial Cleaning Contractors Limited has established an environmental policy which is designed to reflect the environmental impact that our cleaning activities, products and services offered may have upon the environment. To manage cleaning chemicals and waste produced from cleaning activities in a responsible manner that minimises potential environmental and health impacts. To work within and where possible exceed current legal obligations, governmental policies, customer expectations and concerns, short and long term benefits, costs and liabilities. We are committed to continually improve and promote sound environmental practise with particular emphasis on the following:
Our key environmental objectives are:
- Compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and approved codes of practise. Making concerted efforts to meet and exceed the requirements of environmental laws and regulations.
- Education and training of all employees regarding their responsibilities in following good environmental practise.
- Ensuring our operations are safe for our employees, customers, and the environment.
- Continuously seek to improve environmental performance.
- Recycling and reducing waste materials where possible.
- Encourage awareness and participation of good environmental practise by all the company’s employees.
- Wherever possible use biodegradable chemicals on all sites.
- Use cleaning systems that reduce the use of chemicals on all sites.
- Reducing water usage where appropriate by offering alternative cleaning systems.
- Work with our suppliers and contractors to promote good environmental practise in the use and disposal of materials used in the company’s business.
For and on behalf of Industrial Cleaning Contractors Limited.
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.